Gaithersburg Christian Music -

Gaithersburg Christian Music
Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church - Gaithersburg, Maryland

"Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church is a vital, alive and growing community of believers and seekers. We intend to be a family of faith that welcomes people who are new to Christianity as well as those who are deeply rooted in the Christian tradition. Our goal is to be a community of faith where God becomes real to you in your everyday life. Church is not only a place where we come to worship, learn and fellowship. It needs to be a place where we experiment with new behaviors and develop dispositions to be more like Jesus."

Our Music Ministry
This ministry involves every generation from kindergarten children through adults. Vocal, English handbell, and chime choirs are available for all ages. Our music covers a wide range and many styles. We also offer opportunities for volunteer instrumental and drama groups to perform in worship at special times during the church year. Over two hundred of us are already involved in sharing our talents and our love of music to glorify our Lord.

Worship at GPC includes the following choirs:
•Handbells and chimes
•Choirs for all ages and levels of musical ability
•Instrumental ensembles

Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church believes that the Chancel Choir is the foundation of its music ministry, providing leadership in the congregation's worship services three Sundays each month.

The Praise Team is a vocal ensemble of adults who enjoy contemporary music and who find they cannot commit to weekly rehearsals. This group provides music leadership in congregational worship services once each month.

GPC's adult Handbell Choirs are affiliated with the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers and participate each spring in a five-state festival with hundreds of other ringers. Their primary mission is to provide musical leadership once each month in Sunday worship services and in concert.

Junior and Senior High School youths choirs participates in leading worship once a month. The handbell choirs are affiliated with the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers and participate in a five-state youth handbell festival each fall. All youth choirs present a concert during the Christmas season and will provide special music on Mother's Day.

Visiting Artist Series
Since 2003, our church has invited guest composers, conductors, and clinicians to Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church. For two days each year in May a visiting artist works with our adult choirs and directs them in concert for the congregation and the community.

Visit our web site to listen to samples of our choirs' music, audio of our sermons, and information on our current and upcoming musical events.

Visit ...

Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
610 S. Frederick Avenue
Gaithersburg, Maryland

Phone: 301-948-9418 - -
