Bowie Christian Music -

Bowie Christian Music
Saint Matthew's United Methodist Church - Bowie, Maryland

Membership in St. Matthew's United Methodist Church is open to those who wish to join with other Christians in the worship of God, to be a part of a supportive and ministering fellowship, and to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Our Worship

We gather to praise God, confess to God, thank God, experience God's truth and respond to God. We feel God's presence all around us. We hear God's voice as we listen to the music, the scriptures and the sermon. We speak to God in our prayers, hymns and offerings. We go our separate ways at the end of worship, promising to live God's way in the coming week.

Chancel Choir is our adult choir. This group provides choral music for Sunday morning worship, alternating at both services (8:30 a.m. on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday; 11:00 a.m. on 2nd & 4th Sunday). They also sing at special events throughout the church year, including two larger choral works per year.

SpiritMove is an adult choir which provides folk-style music for Sunday worship, generally once a month. Repertoire ranges from Christian rock to folk music from around the world to music specially composed for the group.

Schola Cantorum is an adult group providing special music for Sunday worship, ranging from Gregorian Chant through Renaissance polyphony.

Men’s Quartet provides music for Sunday worship on an occasional basis throughout the year.

Mixed Quartet is an adult group providing Sunday worship music on an occasional basis.

Youth Choir for Junior and Senior High students provides occasional worship service music on Sunday mornings. A chancel drama/musical is produced annually.

Little Angels is our children's choir for children ages 3 - 7. They provide occasional music at the beginning of the 11:00 worship service.

Children's Choir is our choir for children in grades 2 – 6. They provide occasional music at the beginning of the 11:00 worship service.

Gloria Ringers provide handbell music for Sunday worship, generally at two services each month. This group is comprised of adults and Senior High students

Musical Theatre Troupe, for adults and Junior and Senior High youth, produces two musical theatre shows per year, in the Spring and Fall.

We invite you to join us and to experience spiritual and personal growth within a caring church family.

Visit ...

Saint Matthew's United Methodist Church
14900 Annapolis Road
Bowie, Maryland 20715

Phone: 301-262-1408 - -
