Portland Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Portland Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Woodfords Congregational Church - Portland, Maine

Our Mission and Vision Statement

We aspire to be a "God Centered," Inclusive Christian," "Just Peace," and "Open and Affirming" church.  We seek to broaden our understanding of God's intention for peace and wholeness (Biblical Shalom) and to become creators of "Just Peace" within ourselves and in our families, church community and beyond.  We endeavor to be a thoroughly inclusive church, all the while working together to live out our covenant commitment to be disciples of Jesus Christ.


Music holds a distinctive poistion in worship at Woodfords.  A capital campaign in 1995 provided funding for the Sanctuary organ to  undergo a major renovation and expansion in 1996, which was overseen by our Organist and Director of Music, and underscores the importance the congregation places on music.  The music program includes our 47-voice Chancel Choir, which sings from September through June and performs a major classical work in concert each November, two children's choirs for grades K-12, and the Woodfords Ringers Handbell Choir.  In November 2000, the Chancel Choir released a compact disk of Christmas music, and in May 2002, they released a second CD, this one called "I Was Glad."   Amateur and professional instrumentalists from the congregation and community, including the Portland String Quartet and members of the Portland Symphony Orchestra, frequently participate in our worship services.

United Church of Christ
202 Woodford Street,
Portland, Maine 04103

Please visit us at: WoodfordsChurch.org

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