Olathe Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Olathe Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Fellowship Baptist Church - Olathe, Kansas

We want to give God pleasure as we worship! Our chief end in worship is to magnify God and to enjoy His presence as we come together with hearts of thanksgiving and praise. Many make worship an issue of musical style and preference when that has nothing to do with it at all. Worship is about God, and He desires us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. We merely need to choose to worship Him, to lift up His name in praise – according to the truth - therefore the words we sing are more important than our preference for a certain style. But that is also why you will find many styles at Fellowship, because we love to praise God in many ways.

Adult Praise:
Lead our services in worship and praise.

Youth Praise: Our youth group has its own Praise Team that performs periodically in our services.

Kids Praise: These are children’s choirs beginning at age four. Music Time is for ages 4-5; Music Makers are children in grades 1-3, and for those children in grades 4-6, the Young Musicians is the choir that they will enjoy. It is usual to have two concerts a year and the occasional appearance at Sunday worship services. The Young Musicians often perform a humorous, but God focused musical.

Visit our web site for audio of our sermons, up-to-date schedule of our service times, and information on our current and upcoming musical events.

Visit ... fellowshipolathe.org

Fellowship Baptist Church
1325 S. Ridgeview Road
Olathe, Kansas 66062

Phone: 913-764-3153

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