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Welcome to First Presbyterian Church


There are musical opportunities for all ages at First Presbyterian Church. The emphasis of the music program is always as worship leaders, not performers. We encourage all levels of talent to share their gifts of music. Contact Eulaila Young, Interim Choir Director, for further information. All choir rehearsals have ended for the summer. They will resume in September.


Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir, which is open to adults and senior highs, rehearses from 7:30-9:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening and sings during the 10:00 a.m. worship service from September through May and once a month during June, July and August.


Celebration Ringers Hand bell Choir
The choir is open to adults and senior highs. This hand bell choir rehearses from 6:15-7:15 p.m. each Wednesday evening. Our bell choir uses a five-octave set of Schulmerich bells and plays in worship from September through May. This group has participated in regional bell festivals and played for weddings and other community events.


Junior High Ringers
Youth in grades 6-8 are invited to join us for hand bells on Wednesday events from 5:30-6:00 p.m. from September through April. Even if you don't read music, there's still a spot for you. Contact Kim for further details.

Children's Choir
Children Kindergarten through 5th grade sing in worship from September through April as part of the "Wednesday at First" program


Our Vision

We are a community of believers dedicated to serving
Christ in new ways as we respond to a changing neighborhood, community and world.

Our vision begins with a prayer for Spiritual re-awakening.


We seek guidance from the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to understand the necessity of responding to change in a changing world and to give us the courage to try new ways of reaching people where they are today, with the message of Christ.

The goal is to re-vitalize the ministry of First Presbyterian Church with its legacy of 150 years of service to God and community. In doing so we must continue to nurture our own members but also to reach out to our neighbors by communicating the gospel in ways that resonate with families and individuals struggling with the complexities of a diverse and changing culture.

Many are seeking a deeper meaning in life than what is provided by the baubles of a materialistic 21st century culture. Our faith tells us that deeper meaning is found in a loving God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Our vision then is to build on the strengths which have sustained this congregation through so many years, but also to understand the necessity of opening our hearts and minds to removing obstacles which may keep us from effectively communicating with and engaging our community.

We recognize that in our life of faith we have to meet the needs of both those who are with us and those who are not, in order to bring others into our fellowship.



Visit ... 1stpresby.org

First Presbyterian Church
505 Franklin Street,
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

Phone: 319-233-6145

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