Waterloo Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Waterloo Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
First Congregational United Church of Christ - Waterloo, Iowa

At First Congregational United Church of Christ, We Like Music!

We like classical music ...
we like contemporary Christian music.
We like traditional hymns ... we like praise songs.
We like organ ... we like guitar and drums.
We like majestic anthems ... we like soulful spirituals.
We like music that sings ... we like music that swings.
We like violins and flutes and oboes and trumpets and bongos and castanettes and bells and chimes ...

We like music, good music, all kinds of good music ... and we include a variety of music in each worship service. The object is praise, but praise speaks many languages, and we do not want to limit ourselves to one language!

We have intentionally chosen not to offer different worship services with different styles -- traditional, contemporary, Gen X, etc. -- because we believe the family of God (the whole family of God!) belongs together. We need to listen to each other and learn from each other and serve each others' needs, not just our own.

Musical Groups at First Congregational UCC

Chancel Choir
Provides worship music during the school year; Handel and Helgen, Rutter and Leavitt.

First Congregational Praise Team
Does contemporary music of varied styles for worship.

A Touch of Brass
Five-octave handbell choir. Plays in worship service once a month.

Movers and Shakers
Children's choir, singing and playing crystal bells.

Each year, the Board of Fine Arts of First Congregational UCC sponsors a concert series underwritten by the Endowment Fund and offered free of charge to the public. Visit our web site for information on our current and upcoming musical events.

We extend a loving welcome to all people -- no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey! -- because that is the way God has welcomed us!

Visit ... firstcongucc.org

First Congregational United Church of Christ
608 West Fourth Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50702

Phone: 319-234-8927

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