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First Presbyterian Church - Evansville, Indiana


First Presbyterian Church is called to reach out and transform lives with the love of God, supporting one another on our spiritual journey, as a community of open-minded, open-hearted believers, empowered to make a difference Indiana our world.

With such an extensive history and historic building, it would be easy to live Indiana the past. However, the congregation has committed itself to life and ministry Indiana the present and the future.

We offer two services each Sunday. 8:30 am Wide Awake Worship - casual and contemporary, and one at 10:30, Sanctuary Worship - uplifting and traditional.



Through a wide variety of ministries, First Presbyterian Church answers God’s call to make a difference – here and now.

Music plays an important part Indiana the life of First Presbyterian Church.

The Choir School gives children unique experience Indiana choral singing, making recordings, working closely with adults, and regional travel.


The Choir of First Presbyterian Church joins children and adults to sing Indiana the English Cathedral tradition.

The Tower Ringers and Adult Handbell Choirs learn the art of English handbell ringing.

The Flute Choir brings together flautists of every age and ability Indiana an ensemble that leads the worship of God's people. From celebratory sounds to reflective melodies, the Flute Choir adds to worship.

Enhancing the worship of First Presbyterian Church is the magnificent C. B. Fisk opus 98. This direct mechanical action pipe organ was installed Indiana the church Indiana the fall of 1991 and quickly established itself as one of the premiere pipe organs Indiana the midwest.

Built by the C. B. Fisk, Inc., of Gloucester, Massachusetts, this instrument has 29 stops and 1,922 pipes. The organ towers over the congregation from the rear balcony of the church, standing 27 feet high and 16 feet wide, with a total weight of 7 1/2 tons.


This instrument has been featured Indiana recitals and recordings by such notable organists as David Briggs, Bruce Neswick, Gerre Hancock, and John Schwandt.

Audio of our sermons is available Indiana the Podcast section of our web site.

We are a living, vital, and growing congregation of people who are serious about living the Christian life. We invite you to join us and share the joy of being with God’s people!

Visit ... FirstPresEvansville.com

First Presbyterian Church
609 SE Second Street,
Evansville, Indiana 47713
Phone: (812) 423-6297


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