DeKalb Christian Music -

DeKalb Christian Music -
First United Methodist Church - DeKalb, IL

First UMC has more than 150 years of history, worship and outreach.

Our Mission:
Living Christ’s presence through love and service.

Our Vision:
We are a community of believers nurturing one another in the life and example of Christ, through worship, witness, stewardship, service and fellowship. Our faith is sustained by study, prayer and reflection.

First UMC offers a variety of worship opportunities on Sundays.

Traditional Service
The sanctuary service is a traditional service of worship, incorporating hymn singing, prayer, scripture and a sermon, as well as music provided by our youth and children’s choirs. Dynamic preaching of our pastors, stirring music by the chancel choir, and frequent special instrumental music make this hour the central part of our worship as a congregation.

Share His Incredible News Everywhere! (SHINE)
Family Friendly. Casual Atmosphere. Dynamic Message. Uplifting Music. In Fellowship Hall families and people of all ages enjoy the fun and comfortable atmosphere they find at SHINE. Congregants celebrate God together as they sing high-energy praise music and familiar hymns.

With a modern voice, SHINE blends our rich United Methodist heritage with the latest in multimedia technology. Enhanced with dynamic, high-energy music, SHINE links bible-based preaching with contemporary life application. It's an uplifting hour of Christian worship!

Boardman Chapel
Gathered in the quiet intimacy of Boardman Chapel, the congregation worships through prayers, the reading and proclamation of God’s Word, and weekly celebration of Holy Communion.

Visit the Worship section of our web site for days and times.

We hope you will consider worshiping with us. On Sundays, please stop by the Welcome Centers and our greeters will be happy to assist and/or escort you to your destination! We hope to see you here!


First United Methodist Church
321 Oak Street
DeKalb, Illinois 60115
Phone: 815-756-6301 | |
