Chicago Christian Music -

Chicago Christian Music
Saint John Cantius Church - Chicago, Illinois

John Cantius Parish is a parish in the Archdiocese of Chicago. St. John’s offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the Roman Rite in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms. Thus, the Ordinary Form of the Mass, often referred to as the Novus Ordo, is offered both in Latin and English according to the Missale Romanum, issued by Pope John Paul II in 2003. St. John Cantius Parish is also privileged to offer daily the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, commonly referred to as the Tridentine Latin Mass, according to the Missale Romanum of 1962.

Each Sunday St. John Cantius Parish is filled with the sound of sacred music. Our Sunday Masses regularly feature Gregorian chant, chanted by our schola cantorum and by the congregation. The parishioners of St. John Cantius are intent on preserving the choral traditions of the Roman Rite which gives Gregorian chant “pride of place.” Additionally, the people of St. John Cantius work to preserve the patrimony of liturgical music that comes from the Renaissance period and from the Viennese choral tradition. But our choirs also sing modern choral works that are consonant with the Roman tradition of sacred music.

Our Music Ministry
• The Resurrection Choir
• Cantate Domino Choir
• St. Cecilia Choir
• Sine Nomine Ensemble
• St. Gregory the Great Schola Cantorum
• Chorus Innocentium Sanctorum

Visit our web site for current information on our services and musical events.

Visit ...
Saint John Cantius Church
825 N. Carpenter Street
Chicago, Illinois 60642

Phone: 312-243-7373 - -
