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Dunwoody Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Saint Luke's Presbyterian Church - Dunwoody, Georgia

St. Luke's was established as the church of the Word and the Sacrament. Sincere, effective mission begins with God-centered worship. Music in worship provides a meaningful, appropriate setting and context for the spoken Word. Indeed, there are times when music conveys the Word, though differently, as profoundly as the spoken Word. Music communicates and inspires in ways speech cannot. The music at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church provides the important function of framing and communicating the Word by directing our focus toward God and His omnipotence.


Cherub - Choir
This beginning choir is comprised of children ages four to first grade. They sing at special times of the year (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas season, Palm Sunday and Mother's Day).

Westminster - Choir
The singers in this choir are in grades 2-5. This choir leads in worship each Sunday and joins the Chancel Choir frequently in singing responses and special anthems. This choir also learns to play choir chimes and rhythm instruments.

Festival Ringers
This choir rings several times throughout the year for services and special occasions including weddings and in the community. This choir played at the Governor's Mansion and Georgia State Capital Christmas tree lightings. In December, 2004, they initiated a Toys for Tots Bells and Brass concert.

Chancel Choir
This choir is comprised of adults and talented teenagers who come together each week to prepare music for regular services, special concerts and events. The repertoire of the choir covers all eras of music. Thus, the choir is well versed in everything from Gregorian and Genevan chant to 21st century literature. It has premiered anthems by K. Lee Scott, Howard Davis, and Jane Marshall. In November 1998 the Chancel Choir sang Mozart's Coronation Mass at Carnegie Hall, New York City. They sang at the Montreat Conference Center in August 2001 and 2002, and at Columbia Seminary in March 2002.

Other Opportunities
The Music Ministry also sponsors and supports concerts of other performing organizations at St. Luke's.

Our Organ
The beautiful organ at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church was built and installed in 1987 by the Shantz Organ Company. The organ was custom designed and voiced especially for an acoustically excellent sanctuary.

Each pipe is handmade and speaks as a singer "sings". Pipes have feet, mouths, tongues, ears and sometimes beards. The organ's palette of tonal colors ranges from softest string sounds to vibrant festival trumpets.

The Shantz organ at St. Luke's has 2148 pipes, 37 ranks, 3 manuals (keyboards) and contains a set of 21 tubular chimes and zybelstern (small bells used for festive occasions). The instrument is well suited to playing all music from meditative communion hymns to the most demanding recital literature.

St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church is a part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We are a 35 year-old church with a congregation of 900 members, and growing. We have a diverse program of world and community outreach, traditional worship, and an interesting and informative Christian education program for all ages. Our music program is one of the finest in Atlanta (our sanctuary is an outstanding music hall).

Everything about St. Luke’s is related to service. We see ourselves as called to ministry and we invite you to join us for worship Sunday mornings.

Visit... st-lukes-pres.org

Saint Luke's Presbyterian Church
1978 Mount Vernon Road
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338

Phone: 770-393-1424

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