Commerce Christian Music -

Commerce Christian Music -
First Baptist Church - Commerce, Georgia

We invite you to visit our church for worship, study and fellowship. Should you visit our church, some of the first things you will notice are the huge oak trees out front. We also employ the tree motif in our church logo. The symbol reminds us of our two primary responsibilities: to draw strength and sustenance from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to reach out to others with the love and grace of God.

At First Baptist Church of Commerce you will find traditional worship with excellent music, multiple opportunities for bible study, a warm and welcoming fellowship and a variety of opportunities to use your gifts in missions and ministry. We offer a Rotational Sunday School model for children and a ministry to youth that encourages their growth in Christ and the development of their talents in active service.

The music ministry of First Baptist makes a joyful noise.

The people of First Baptist Church have made it very clear throughout the years that they love music and they especially love to sing. If you look at the list of active choirs and ensembles, you can see that it is still true today.

The people of First Baptist are not the typical "First Baptist Church" you might expect to find. We have a wide group of people, tastes, and backgrounds in our congregation. Some at First Baptist love nothing better than a good, old toe-tapping gospel song. Others enjoy a more refined type of music, some enjoy hymns and the traditional worship style. And still others enjoy worshipping with more contemporary music.

While the worship service tends to be more traditional, the songs that the adult, children, and youth choirs sing cover many different styles.

We would love to welcome you to our fellowship or be of help to you in any way that we can.

First Baptist Church
1345 S.Elm Street
Commerce, Georgia 30529
Phone: 706-335-4083 | |
