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New Beginnings Christian Church - Tampa, Florida

New Beginnings Christian Church is a non-denominational fellowship of believers who choose to follow Jesus Christ and be identified by His Name, only.

Like Christians about whom we read in the Bible, we have no formal creed or statement of faith.

We believe the church is God's family on earth to spread the good news of abundant life, both now and for eternity. (Hebrews 10:25; Ephesians 3:14,15)

We offer several styles of service. One of which is our Drive-In service which is unique in the Tampa area. Begun in 1972 it has provided a weekly worship service with only a very few weather exceptions. The service is broadcast over your car or portable radio on 103.9 FM The service follows a standard worship service format of praise time, communion, offering, sermon and invitation. A stationary boat called the DiscipleShip is used by the choir and ministers as a stage and pulpit. You may stay in your vehicle or come early and have donuts and coffee or juice at the refreshment center.

Visit our web site to listen to our sermons, check out our Borst Blog of the Week, and to find out about all the exciting events taking place at the New Beginnings Christian Church.

Visit... NewBeginningsCCtampa.org

New Beginnings Christian Church
4100 South Manhattan Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33611
Phone: 813-837-3451

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