Tampa Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Tampa Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
St. Lawrence Catholic Church - Tampa, Florida

Our Choral Ensembles

St. Lawrence Chorale
This ensemble sings at the 11:00 Mass in accordance with published schedule, and for other special liturgies and concerts. The Chorale sings a varied repertoire ranging from chant to spirituals to contemporary.

St. Lawrence Schola Cantorum
The St. Lawrence Schola Cantorum is a vocal ensemble dedicated to the rendition of Gregorian Chant, polyphonic Mass settings, motets and anthems within the context of its proper place; the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

El Coro en Espanol
Our Spanish choir leads music in Spanish at the 5:30 Mass every Sunday.

St. Lawrence Celebration Singers
Our St. Lawrence Celebration Singers and ensemble leads the Sunday 7:00 P.M. Mass in the performance of recently written music for choir and instruments including piano, guitars, percussion, etc.

St. Lawrence Bell Choir
This ensemble performs on various Sundays and Masses including major Feast Days and other special liturgies, as well as parish concerts.

Children's Choirs
Children in grades K - 6.

Visit our web site for an up to date schedule of our masses.

Visit... stlawrence.org

St. Lawrence Catholic Church
5225 N. Himes Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33614
Phone: 813-875-4040

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