Jacksonville Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Jacksonville Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Southside United Methodist Church - Jacksonville, Florida

We worship in the sanctuary for both the contemporary and traditional services, which last an hour each.

Singing at the traditional & contemporary worship services vary. Traditional service includes traditional hymns led by the 20+ person Chancellor choir and accompanied by an organist. The songs can be easily found in Hymnals located in every pew.

The Contemporary service is led by a Praise Band that includes drums, electric and acoustic guitar, vocalists and a number of other accompanying instruments. They lead the congregation in praise music that is popular on the radio. The words for the songs are found on large video screens at the front of the church.

Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings at the 11:00 A. M. worship service each Sunday as well as performs major works at various time during the year.

Chancel Bell Choir
This is our adult handbell choir. The ringers perform once a month at the 11 A.M. worship service.

Littlest Angels - PreK 3-K
This choir provides beginning social and musical experience. Anthems are presented in worship several time a month.

Cherub Choir - 1st - 3rd Grades
Simple anthems are presented in the worship service on a regular basis and for Family Night Dinners including a Spring Music Show.

Wesley Choir - 4th - 5th Grades
Anthems are presented in the worship service on a regular basis and for Family Night Dinners including a Spring Musical Show.

Contemporary Worship Team

Our mission is to lead the SUMC congregation in a contemporary worship experience of Jesus Christ that is authentic, passionate, and excellent.

Visit the Music Ministry section of our web site for information on current and upcoming musical events.

We hope you will come worship with us anytime you like.

Visit... southsidemethodist.org

Southside United Methodist Church
3120 Hendricks Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Phone: 904-396-2676

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