Jacksonville Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Jacksonville Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
First Baptist of Jacksonville - Jacksonville, Florida

First Baptist Church of Jacksonville celebrates a long history of Reaching the Lost and Discipling the Saved.

Our Music

Adult Orchestra
The Chancel Orchestra has been a vital part of the Music Ministry at First Baptist for over 30 years. Our 60-member orchestra is made up of some of the most dedicated musicians in the city of Jacksonville.

Adult Choir
The Chancel Choir, with over 300 members, is a dedicated group of singers which serves an active role each week in our worship services preparing the heart for the Word of God. Together, the Chancel Choir and Orchestra are seen and heard by more than 9,000 in attendance with a television audience of nearly 30,000 viewers.

High School Choir
Lead worship every other Sunday night in the main sanctuary for the evening service.

High School Orchestra
The High School Orchestra performs in the Wednesday evening worship services at First Baptist. With a current enrollment of over 50, our High School musicians are seeking to use their developing talents for the Lord in this orchestra.

Middle School Choir
One of the largest youth choirs in the country that perform during our Wednesday Evening Worship Services.

Middle School Orchestra
The Middle School Orchestra performs in the Wednesday evening worship services at First Baptist.

First Baptist Church produces daily and weekly radio programs. These broadcasts can be heard on several stations in Jacksonville and are designed to strengthen Christians in their walk with Christ.

If you cannot join us in person, visit the Broadcast section of our web site for live webcast of our services.

You can also experience the Sunday services of First Baptist Church on television, each Sunday morning in the Jacksonville area. Visit our web site for station and time information.

Visit... fbcjax.com

First Baptist of Jacksonville
124 West Ashley Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Phone: 904-356-6077

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