Jacksonville Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Jacksonville Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church - Jacksonville, Florida

We invite all people to our church home, to celebrate God's many gifts. Nourished by Christ Jesus, and driven by the Holy Spirit, we send enthusiastic servants to proclaim the hope and joy of life in Christ.

Worship at St. Mark’s celebrates the Word and Sacrament. It is the center of our church life, engaging our minds, hearts and voices with God's presence. Our services follow liturgical tradition and incorporate a wide variety of music, including organ, choir, piano, hand bells and other instruments.

Music is an integral element of the worship experience at St. Mark’s. We celebrate music as a gift from God. Through music, we praise and glorify God, sharing God’s word with the Church and the community.

Festival Choir: Adults and older youth. In addition to leading the congregation in song, our challenging repertoire spans the spectrum of music, from Gregorian, Baroque, Classical and Contemporary periods.

Renaissance Men: Men's group.

Behind the Pulpit Group: Contemporary music with instruments and voice.

Kingdom Choir: Children K - Grade 6.

Handbells & Chimes
St. Mark's Ringers
Alleluia Ringers

Instrumental Ensembles
St. Mark's Early Music Consort
Lion's Brass

St. Mark’s is blessed to be able to offer special musical events for the community throughout the year. Visit the Music section of our web site for more information.

Visit... stmarksjax.org

St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
3976 Hendricks Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Phone: 904-396-9608

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