Daytona Beach Christian Music -

Daytona Beach Christian Music -
Trinity Lutheran Church - Daytona Beach, FL

The members of Trinity Lutheran Church welcome you to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with us.

Music Ministry at Trinity Lutheran Church

The music ministry groups at Trinity Lutheran Church consist of: the senior choir, the children choir, the adult and junior handbell choirs and, the fine arts series.

The senior choir leads the congregation in worship at the 10:30 am Sunday service and provides special music during the offering each Sunday morning. A Christmas cantata is presented by the choir during the Christmas Eve service.

Trinity Lutheran Church is blessed with an excellent 29 rank Pipe Organ and very talented organists

The organ was built by Elmer Goetz, formerly of Daytona Beach, and a member of Trinity Lutheran Church congregation. In addition to its inspiring visual display, the organ's beauty comes from its alluring musical colors provided in part by European pipe-work of only the finest quality. The classic organs
of Europe crafted hundreds of years ago were built on-site in exactly the same manner as was this organ. This method produces far superior organs in contrast to mass-produced instruments. The two-and-a half year project allowed time for changes, additions, and improvements to the organ from its original specifications. Several ranks of pipes were added and one rank was eliminated requiring additional design modifications. Under the tonal direction of Allan Van Zoeren and Thomas Helms, the final blending of pipes with the total ensemble gave the organ its unique personality.


Trinity Lutheran Church
1205 Ridgewood Avenue
Holly Hill, Florida 32117
Phone: 386-255-7580 | |
