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Wilmington Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
First & Central Presbyterian Church - Wilmington, Delaware

First & Central Presbyterian Church is a diverse, accepting, and open minded Christian community making a difference to one another and in the city. We are Presbyterian, but ecumenical, taking people as they are; celebrating the leadership of all (women, men and our young people); embracing people of all lifestyles; and growing to meet the challenges of our urban community.

Our Congregation at Worship

Sunday morning worship, with its challenging preaching and inspiring music, is the high point of First & Central's church week. The service is usually based on the lectionary and is traditional Presbyterian, but with significant changes toward variety and informality.

Music during worship is highly professional and varied, from majestic anthems to spirituals, accompanied by our Gabriel Kney Organ or the Steinway B grand piano, with occasional extra instrumentalists.

First & Central Presbyterian Church is pleased to present a rich and diverse music program.

Festival Concerts, Thursday Noontime Concerts, the Chancel Choir of First & Central, and the Center City Chorale are well-known and ongoing.

Thursday Noontime Concerts
The primary musical offering of First & Central to the downtown community is Thursday Noontime Concerts, which present weekly fall and spring concerts of free half hour programs at 12:30 p.m. These concerts are designed to present outstanding classical, jazz, folk, and multi-cultural music in a convenient location at a time that fits easily into the busy schedule of downtown workers and shoppers. The concerts are free, but a small donation of $2 per person is encouraged each week.

Festival Concerts
Festival Concerts at First & Central are the church's series of full-length concerts that take place primarily on the weekends.

The Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is known for its beautifully blended sound, remarkably well-tuned singing, and insightful and exciting performances. It sings weekly for worship at First & Central, and performs frequent concerts throughout the season.

The Chancel Choir of First & Central has sung in concert such masterworks as the Requiem masses of Fauré, Duruflé, Desenclos, and Mozart, Mozart's Solemn Vespers of the Confessor and Coronation Mass, Handel's Messiah, Vivaldi's Gloria, numerous cantatas and motets of Bach, and Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb and Ceremony of Carols. Committed to new music, the choir has sung premieres of music commissioned by First & Central by American composers Bruce Neswick, Gerald Near, and James Bassi. In addition, the choir has explored a significant amount of multi-cultural choral literature, which it programs frequently.
The American Organist praised this ensemble’s singing as “superior … a convention highlight” in their 2007 appearance at the Region III convention of the American Guild of Organists in Baltimore, where their performance brought a capacity crowd to its feet.

Center City Chorale
The Center City Chorale is a 45-voice mixed SATB choir that performs during Thursday Noontime Concerts at the church. Music sung by Center City Chorale ranges from sacred to secular, from Bach and Mozart to music from non-Western cultures, spirituals, and vocal jazz.

Children's Music
Sing and play during worship a few times each year.

All of the worship styles at First & Central are enriched by our dynamic music. Experience the wealth of musical offerings at First & Central!

Visit ... fandc.org

First & Central Presbyterian Church
1101 Market Street
Rodney Square
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Phone: 302-654-5371

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