Smyrna Christian Music -




Old Stone Presbyterian Church offers a variety of opportunities for singers (and helpers) of all ages.


Choir - Rehearsals for all ages are on Wednesday nights.

The Cherub and Junior Choirs sing about once each month September through May. They also prepare special music programs in worship throughout the year.

The Adult Choir is open to everyone and normally sings weekly.

A CONGREGATIONAL DINNER beginning at 6:00 p.m. precedes choir rehearsals on the third Wednesday in the months of September through May. Singers and the entire church family, including guests and visitors, have found these dinners to be a fun time for fellowship and a break during the busy week.

Special Music - The summer months bring opportunities for solo or ensemble artists. Old Stone is blessed with many talented people, and we are always eager to have them share their talents with us, which can range from a 15 second piano solo by a four-year-old to a full service of music presented by groups such as the Olentangy Men's Chorus. Play an instrument? We would love to have you accompany one of the choirs or a hymn or present a solo piece.



We Believe

…in the living God, who created the universe and makes all things new;
…in Jesus Christ, God’s only-begotten Son, through whom God is present and working for the reconciliation of the world;
…in God the Holy Spirit, who leads us to faith in Christ as Savior and Lord and gives us spiritual gifts for building up the Church and serving God’s creation;
…in God’s inspired writings of the Old and New Testaments, which are the unique and authoritative witnesses to the revelation of God;
…in the Church, which is the body of Christ present in the world, human in nature, but bearing witness to the ongoing work of God and participating in it;
…in the God-given mission of the Church, which is carried on through preaching, teaching, the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, prayer, and acts of love and justice.


Our Mission and Purpose

…to glorify God through active discipleship of Jesus Christ;
…to work and pray to make Christ’s Church useful to the world;
…and to call men, women, and children to faith, so that at the end of time, every knee shall bend in submission and every tongue will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Visit ...

Old Stone Presbyterian Church
41 Hodges Road, Delaware, Ohio 43015
Phone: 740-369-3548

E-mail: *
