Newark Christian Music -

Newark Christian Music
First Presbyterian Church - Newark, Delaware

"Our Vision is to stand in the midst of society as a beacon of divine goodness and hope; that all who come near will sense the presence of Jesus Christ."

Come and Worship with us on Sundays. Our Sunday morning worship services offer a variety of styles to provide a meaningful experience to a wide range of worshipers.

9:00 am ~ Alternative/Contemporary Worship Service
Come and experience a contemporary style of worship that includes various styles of Christian music. Bring your family and friends!

10:30 am ~ Traditional Worship Service
This service blends a wide range of music and liturgy for a rich worship experience. Our worship leadership includes both adult and children's choirs, handbell choirs, and other instrumentalists.

Our Chancel Choir sings at each worship service and presents 2-3 special music events during the year ~ Fall Festival of Hymns, Christmas Festival of Music during Advent, special Lenten service of music, and Gospel Sunday rounds out the program year.

Our Children's Choirs all participate regularly in worship throughout the choir season.

Our Carillon Ringers Handbell Choir rings in worship monthly, ringing a more advanced and varied repertoire. The present group plays five-octaves of Schulmerich Handbells, three-octaves of Malmark Handchimes, plus various percussion instruments.

Several special and spirit-filled musical worship services are planned this year. Along with the Bell Choir ringing throughout the year, the special music Sundays will be enhanced with orchestra to accompany us. Our Music & Arts Fund will support these musicians as well as the upcoming Music & Arts Concert Series each month during the year.

Visit our web site for audio of our sermons.

We hope that you will join our members on a journey of faith. Together we will joyfully discover the wonders of God's love and find new voices within ourselves to Proclaim Jesus Christ.

Visit ...

First Presbyterian Church
292 West Main Street
Newark, Delaware 19711

Phone: 302-731-5644 *
