Stamford Christian Music -

Stamford Christian Music
First United Methodist Church - Stamford, CT

First United Methodist Church has been an important part of the Stamford community for over 200 years. Our history dates back to 1788 when circuit-riding preachers formed the society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Stamford and class meetings were held in private homes.

The bell at the entrance to our church is a visible link to our past: for 101 years, it rang out at the old church location, for weddings, special occasions, to alert the city to the burning of Town Hall, and to mark the end of the Civil War. Today, it stands as a reminder of our long history in this community.

Our Sunday Services
Our 8:15 a.m. service, held in our beautiful Chapel, is an intimate service where Holy Communion is celebrated every week.

Our 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, the principal service is held in our Sanctuary at 10:30 am (10:00 am in July and August). The sermons deepen our understanding of God's world and demonstrate how we can put our faith into action. This service features the Chancel Choir, our 80-rank Schantz pipe organ, as well as performances by the Handbell and Children's Choir several times a year. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and on special occasions.

Music Ministry at First Church
Worship is at the very center of what we are about as Christians, and our ministry and mission flows out of our worship.

Music is an important part of worship; it speaks to our hearts, expressing the beauty, depth and breadth of God, giving expression to our inmost emotions in a different way from the spoken word. It has the ability to touch people’s lives in a profound and transformational way. Music helps form Christian character, teaches scripture and doctrine, builds community, communicates the Gospel to our neighbors, and is a means of service to God and one another.

The Chancel Choir is a growing, dynamic group of singers serving God through music in many styles. Along with weekly participation in the 10:30 a.m. worship services, the choir presents an annual Christmas Cantata in December.

The Children's Choir, first through fifth grade, participate regularly in worship services, including the Christmas Pageant at 5:00 on Christmas Eve. They also perform an annual musical in the spring.

The Middle School Choir, for grades six through eight, participate regularly in worship services and the Christmas Pageant at 5:00 on Christmas Eve. This choir incorporates hand chimes and other instrumentals.

The Handbell Choir, adults and students in grades 9-12, use five octaves of Schulmerich Bells and 2 octaves of Malmark Chimes and participates regularly in worship services.

Visit the Music section of our web site original compositions and samples of our music.


First United Methodist Church
42 Cross Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06905

Phone: 203-324-1323 | |
