Hartford Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com


Hartford Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
St. James's Episcopal Church - Hartford, CT

We are a welcoming parish that is always looking for new people to be a part of our faith community.

We offer opportunities for worship throughout the week in a variety of forms: Eucharist (Holy Communion, Lord's Supper, etc.), Morning Prayer, Choral Evensong (sung Evening Prayer), and Compline (night prayer).

St. James's offers a vibrant multi-generational choral music program in the Anglican Tradition. Music has been an important here since the parish's founding over a century ago. The repertoire is drawn from all musical periods with music from England and America forming the core. The Boys & Girls Choir makes up the treble section of the full choir. All choristers receive a comprehensive musical education that includes, vocal training, sight-singing, music theory, and knowledge of choral repertoire.



Our Parish Choir

An extremely dedicated group of professional, semi-professional, and amateur adults that come together to offer a vast array of music for Sunday Eucharists, Evensongs, and Concerts.

Audio Recordings of the 9.30 Sunday Liturgy and some Choral Evensong services are available upon request from the Parish Office.

We're sharing the good news of JESUS CHRIST through the ministries of service and celebration and WELCOMING ALL. We hope you can help us share in it.

Visit: StJamesWh.org

St. James's Episcopal Church
1018 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, Connecticut 06107
Phone: 860-521-9620

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