Danbury Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Danbury Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Saint James' Parish - Danbury, Connecticut

"The parish of St. James' proclaims the Good News, ministering in the name of Jesus Christ to all people. We welcome all and respect the dignity of every human being. We achieve this through faithful worship, stewardship, fellowship, education and outreach. We will meet the spiritual needs of the 21st century, drawing on the strengths of our Episcopal tradition."


The Buckley Carillon is heard throughout Danbury on Sunday morning and at various times throughout the year. It is used to provide music for weddings, funerals and memorial services. Several of our parishioners as well as many world-renowned carillon artists play our Carillon. We offer free concerts during the Summer (Wednesdays at noon) where the city of Danbury has the opportunity to enjoy the talents of our visiting carilloniers and the beauty of our garden.

The music program at St. James' is currently growing to include many vocal and solo instrumentalists as well as the ensembles

Chancel Choir
College-aged youths through adults that sing during the 10:15 worship service every Sunday. This choir sings a mixture of classical and contemporary Christian music. During the Christmas and Easter seasons many parishioners join us on a short-term basis for the special music.

Chapel Choir
Children in grades 2-6 that sing at the 10:15 worship service 4-6 times throughout the year.

St. James' Ringers
Our handbell choir that plays during worship approximately 4-6 times throughout the year. Presently we are ringing two octaves of Schulmerich bells and occasionally chimes.

Visit our web site for information on our current and upcoming musical events.

Visit: saintjamesdanbury.org

St. James' Parish
25 West Street
Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Phone: 203-748-3561

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