Pueblo Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Pueblo Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Parkhill Baptist Church - Pueblo, Colorado

"WE BELIEVE...worship is a lifestyle not just expressed on Sundays but in our very lives. As Parkhill continues reaching out, in and up. We have made it a priority to remain true to our core values."

Parkhill’s Praise and Worship Ministry exists to honor, exalt, and uplift the awesome Savior, Jesus. He is “worthy to be praised”. We accomplish this by singing and playing music
that is relevant to people of every generation.

Two Services to Worship
Traditional Worship - 9:00 a.m. A mix of hymns and praise choruses, led with a piano and a few guitars.

Contemporary Worship - 10:30 a.m. Praise and Worship songs with some hymns led with a full band.

Praise Band

The Parkhill Praise Band consists of believers that love to use their talents for Christ. The band consist of Piano, Acoustic, Electric, & Bass Guitar, & Drums.

Praise Team
The Parkhill Praise Team consists of some talented singers that help Jamey lead Parkhill in worship.

Parkhill Worship Choir
The choir sings primarily for Easter and Christmas events, although in 2008, they will be singing more often in Sunday Worship at 9 & 10:30 a.m.

By Heart
We are very proud of a group of eight ladies that have a great sound.

Special Music
We also have more talented singers that sing and play special music. In 2008, we will be creating more special groups, such as Duets, Trio, Quartets, and Ensembles.

Visit our web site for audio of our sermons.

Visit: parkhillonline.org

Parkhill Baptist Church
4235 Parkhill Place
Pueblo, Colorado 81008

Phone: 719-544-6154

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