Denver Christian Music -

Denver Christian Music -
Trinity United Methodist Church - Denver, Colorado

Trinity is alive with Music!

Sunday Worship Services
8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
The 8:15 worship is the ideal service for early risers. Preaching, liturgy and music combine for meaningful worship. The 11:00 service is traditional worship emphasizing strong preaching, Trinity's historic Roosevelt organ and the full Trinity Chancel Choir.

Historical Tours of the 1888 Trinity building follow the 11:00 a.m. service.

Audio recordings of services are available immediately following worship for $5.00 at the ushers' station at the back of the sanctuary.

Thursday Contemplative Worship
7:30 p.m. - "Romancing the Spirit"

Trinity Music Ministry
Seven choirs at Trinity are an important part of the life and spirituality of performers and worshipers alike.

The Chancel Choir sings on Sundays at the 11 am worship service. On occasion, the Chancel Choir is joined by the Joyful Voices children's choir, the Youth Choir, the Genesis Ringers, and Children's Chimes.

The Men’s Choir sings at the 8:15 am worship service on the first Sunday of each month.

Women’s Choir sings once a month for the 8:15 am worship on the fourth Sunday.

Chancel Choir Chamber Singers sings at worship once a month and performs at events outside of Trinity UMC.

Youth Choir is for youth in the sixth to twelfth grades. This choir sings on selected Sunday mornings.

Cherub Choir is for children ages 3 – 5. This choir sings for Children’s Church on selected Sunday mornings.

The Joyful Voices choir is for children in first through fifth grades. They sing for worship services on the second Sunday of each month. They also sing for the family service on Christmas Eve and take part in special performances.

Hand Bell Choirs & Ensembles
Music in Trinity United Methodist Church has always been at the heart of worship. The history of handbell ringing at Trinity began in September 1963 when the first set of 26 bells cast bronze Schulmerich English handbells were donated by Mr. & Mrs. Herb Berwick. 61 bells have been added since 1963.

Children’s Chimes - children four-years-old to 2nd grade. The Chimes group play in worship a couple of times during the year and special performances.

Genesis Ringers - children in 3rd to 5th grade.The Genesis Ringers play for worship several times throughout the year and special performances.

Youth Bells - middle and high school students. This group plays for worship several times throughout the year.

Spectrum Ringers - a collection of individuals from all over the spectrum. This group plays for worship several times throughout the year.

Ringing Ambassadors - experienced ringers that ring in public, outside of church.

Hallelujah Ensemble - an adult ensemble of two to six ringers that focuses on music written for small groups. This group plays for worship several times throughout the year.

Forte Ringers - is an adult, auditioned group. This group plays for worship several times throughout the year.

Instrumental Ensembles
Flute Choir performs in worship and at special events during the year.

Brass Ensemble performs in worship and at special events during the year.

Visit our web site to enjoy
audio of our Bells, Organ,
Chancel Choir, Chamber Singers,
and information or ordering their

Come join us as we Grow Our Souls.


Trinity United Methodist Church
1820 Broadway (Downtown Denver)
Denver, Colorado 80202

Phone: 303-839-1493 | |
