Aurora Christian Music -

Aurora Christian Music
Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church - Aurora, Colorado

Worship is the number one thing we do, gathering weekly to praise God. Our worship is formed by the Great Tradition of the church, a kind of drama or liturgy (literally, “the work of the people”). The music in our worship is both old and new, changing with the different seasons of the church year.

Adult Choir

The Lord of the Hills Adult Choir is composed of over 30 members who are committed to grounding themselves in God, growing in their love for one another and for God, and enhancing the worship experience through musical excellence.

The choir sings a wide range of music, from classical to gospel, at two or more services a month between mid-September and late-May. The choir also sings at the Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Easter services. Additionally, the choir sings at each baptism, sings a blessing to the young people at confirmation on Reformation Sunday, and conducts a “Sermon of Song” the first Sunday of May where the choir sings its favorite anthems from the season.

Worship Team
The Worship Team combines vocalists and instrumentalists (currently: guitar, bass, drums, keyboard) to lead music for services. These services with more contemporary music are held on the third Sunday of the month at the 10:30 service.

Children's Choir
Lord of the Hills has two vocal children's choirs
• Angel Choir: ages 3 - Kindergarten
• Hosanna Choir: 1st - 5th Grade

The children choirs sing at either the 8:00 am or 10:30 am service one Sunday a month. They frequently incorporate motions and rhythm instruments to enhance their musical message.

Handbell Choir
Bells on the Hill, a group of beginner and experienced adult ringers, provides music for one worship service a month as well as for Christmas and Easter services. Bells on the Hill plays on a 3-octave set of Schulmerich handbells and rehearses every Sunday 12:00 - 1:00 pm, August through May.

jübiläciôun is for beginning handbell players. jübiläciôun is the Middle English spelling and defined as “The action or state of rejoicing; great spiritual joy” -- which describes us at rehearsal and when we play at worship! jübiläciôun plays on a 3-octave set of Schulmerich handbells.

Youth Handchime Choir
This choir, for 3rd through 7th graders, play a 3-octave Malmark set. They play for worship approximately every other month.

We are a newer congregation (ten years young!), committed to sharing the good news that God was in Jesus Christ reconciling the world to Himself, and we invite any and all to join us in that mission!


Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church
21755 East Smoky Hill Road
Centennial, Colorado 80015

Phone: 303-617-9884 - -
