Oakland Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Oakland Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Oakland, California

We are a growing, diverse group of people who believe strongly in service to the community, education of people of all ages in the faith, and the beauty of worshipping God with our minds and with our hearts.

Music at St. Paul’s

St. Paul’s Church is fortunate to have a building with truly magnificent acoustics. The congregation makes full use of those acoustics in their hymn-singing and chanting. At a typical service at St. Paul’s the congregation may sing Gregorian Chant, Lutheran Chorales, Victorian Hymns, Negro Spirituals and Gospel music.

St. Paul’s choir is made up of fourteen Singers, including four paid section leaders. For major feast days, they normally sing a mass ordinary (Haydn and Mozart are favorites) with orchestral accompaniment.

Since October of 2002 the choir of St. Paul’s has sung Compline on the fourth Sunday of every month at eight o'clock in the evening. The transcendent quality of the Gregorian Chant, along with the gothic beauty of St. Paul's Church bathed in candlelight, has made the service an oasis of peace in the lives of those who attend, both Christians and Non-Christians. The candles are lighted at 7.50 and the church remains open for a half hour after the service ends (usually around 8.40).

Friends of Music at St. Paul’s
The Friends of Music at St.Paul’s is an organization that supports the music program at St. Paul’s. The Friends facilitate the production of concerts in the church and raise money to pay section leaders and instrumentalists.

Visit the Worship Services section of our web site for more information about upcoming services, events and times.

If you are new to us, please know that we welcome you any Sunday and will greet you with ease and openness.

Visit... stpaulsoakland.org

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
114 Montecito Avenue
Oakland, California 94610
Phone: 510-834-4314

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