Los Angeles Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Los Angeles Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Saint Alban's Episcopal Church - Los Angeles, California

The year of 2007 marked the 75th Anniversary of St. Alban's. The first service in our Chapel was held on Christmas Eve 1931. Over the years the church has grown and changed, but always remained a vibrant and welcoming spiritual community.

St. Alban's Music
St. Alban's Choir sings at the 10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist on Sundays, September through June, and for festival services and concerts several times each year. The choir is made up of about 35 adult volunteers with four professional soloists. Their repertoire includes Gregorian and Anglican chant, Renaissance polyphony, music of the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods, and works by contemporary composers.

St. Alban's Junior Choir, boys and girls grade 2 through 7, sing in church at least once a month.

Our annual series of concerts and festival services, was begun in the fall of 1969 by James Vail when he was appointed organist and choirmaster of St. Alban's. Since then we have performed some 125 major choral works, many of them several times. These works reflect the highest artistic quality, great diversity in style from all historical periods, and music created for the glory of God and the edification and inspiration of performers and listeners alike.

Visit our web site to listen to our choir's music, access our music season brochure, and sign up for our music mailing list.

We have prepared a music CD of memorable moments excerpted from concerts, Evensongs, and Candlelight Carol Services of recent years at St. Alban's. To order a CD, please contact our church office.

We hope that you will join us for worship or for any of our programs. We are a parish of great diversity, coming together each week to worship God using the best resources of our Anglican heritage. In and through our faith, we are united to Christ, making our community one that continues to grow in compassion, community life, education and service.

Visit ... stalbanswestwood.com

Saint Alban's Episcopal Church
580 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90024
Phone: 310-208-6516

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