Corona Christian Music -

Corona Christian Music -
First Congregational Church of Riverside - Corona, California

We believe we have a lot to offer including meaningful worship, excellent programs, and a wonderful community of people who will walk with you in your journey of faith. While we are people grounded in a faith that is 2000 years old, we are always searching for new ways of understanding and interpreting scripture in light of 21st century experience and knowledge.

The music program at First Congregational Church is rich and diverse, including music that is more traditional and classical, to music that is more contemporary and includes guitar players and jazz musicians. Our adult "Pilgrim Choir" sings a wide variety of material, that is sometimes accompanied by organ, piano, trumpets, flutes, and various other instruments. Our Handbell Choir also plays regularly in the Sunday morning worship service. Twice a year our wonderful youth take over the service and offer us music of their own.

The Pilgrim Choir is our adult choir for adults and teens who are in High School or College and beyond. They have a very large music library and love the classics but also sing new music with challenging rhythms and inspirational messages. They sing regularly for the 10:00 a.m. worship service on Sunday mornings.

We own 3 octaves of beautiful English handbells. They perform 5-6 times a year for Sunday morning worship and at the Vespers Concert in December. This talented group is a beautiful part of the music program at First Congregational church.

In addition to the music that is part of our Sunday morning service, the church sponsors various concerts throughout the year. The outstanding acoustics in our sanctuary attract the interest of many performers. Programs have included many organists, jazz musicians, University of California at Riverside performances, the Rubidoux High School Madrigals, gospel groups, singers of spirituals, string quartets, and many other outstanding musicians.

Visit the Music section of our web site for audio samples of our choirs' music.

First Congregational Church isn't for everybody, but if you think it might be for you we would strongly urge you to come worship with us.

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First Congregational Church of Riverside
3504 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, California 92501
Phone: 951-684-2494 - -
