Anaheim Christian Music -

Anaheim Christian Music -
Anaheim First Christian Church - Anaheim, California

"Anaheim First Christian Church exists to bring glory to God. We desire to demonstrate Jesus’ love and teachings by leading people to a growing relationship with Him and by building caring relationships among people of all ages and cultures, locally and world-wide."

Our Sunday Services

10:30 a.m. - Worship in English and Spanish

11:00 a.m. - Korean Worship

6:00 p.m. - Christian Arabic Church

Because our Mission Statement declares our intent to be a multi-ethnic, multi-generational congregation, our music and worship should reflect that diversity. Our goal is to find as many ways as possible to facilitate as many people as possible in the articulation of their faith and experience, to the glory of God and the building of one church. To achieve that goal, we will use as many types of media as we can successfully employ to enhance congregational participation. By intent, no one style or tradition shall define us, but rather, we will “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than ourselves.” (Philippians 2:4)

Our Music Ministries

Our Choir sings every Sunday from Sept through the middle of June. We do a variety of music

We have a four octave set of handbells and an accomplished group. They play at least once a month in our worship service and are involved in special programs throughout the year.

Our instrumental ensemble accompanies our congregational singing each week. We use both a contemporary rhythm and guitar section as well as a variety of brass, woodwind and string instruments.

Hymn Sing - 11:00 a.m. on the second Tuesday of September, November, January, March and May we have a good, old fashioned, Hymn Sing, complete with lunch.

For more information....


Anaheim First Christian Church
520 W. South Street
Anaheim, California, 92805
Phone: 714-635-9330 - -
