Jonesboro Christian Music -

Jonesboro Christian Music -
First United Methodist Church - Jonesboro, AR

"First United Methodist Church is dedicated to proclaiming Christ as King and offering a warm welcome to whoever wishes to follow Christ. We are a downtown church with a long and fruitful history. We are also a young vibrant church with a bright future. We have many ministries to people from all walks of life and our members are active throughout the community. We strive as a community to share the love we have found in Christ and in our church."

Our Worship Services
Contemporary Worship

Three contemporary services are offered each Sunday. They are held at 8:25 am in the Family Life Center, and at 9:40 am in the Family Life Center & the NEW "Elevation" Service is at 11:00 am in the Family Life Center. These "Blue Jean" services are designed around an informal setting and feature contemporary Christian music and Powerpoint-illustrated sermons. Casual dress is the norm.

Traditional Worship
Two traditional worship services are offered each Sunday.They are held at 8:30 AM in the Chapel(a more casual, traditional service) & 11:00 am in the Sanctuary, which also features the use of banners, choirs, and dynamic liturgy. Music is a vital part of the worship experience. Also, we have a service on Sunday evenings in the Chapel at 6:00pm. After the prayers, praises & songs, children are escorted out for their own special time of worship & fun.

Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir offers music leadership for the 11:00 worship service and special music presentations throughout the year.

Women's Ensemble
A select group of women vocalists provide music for worship and at special events in the church and community.

Combined Choirs
Combined choirs provide special music at Christmas, Easter, Independence Day and at other seasons.

Youth Choir
Junior and senior high students (grades 7-12) form the Youth Choir which provides special music on a regular basis in worship.

Kidz' praiZe
The Ministry of Music offers a graded choir program for children in kindergarten through 6th grade. The younger children present a Christmas pageant for the Festival of Advent, and the older participants prepare a musical to offer in the spring.

Celebration Ringers
This larger handbell choir rings regularly in worship and rehearses weekly during the school year.

Hallelujah Handbells
This choir for students in grades 7-12 rings in worship and on special occasions and rehearses once a week during the school year.

PraiZe Ringers
This beginning handbell choir for children in grades 5 and 6 that occasionally rings at special events.

Members of the congregation, persons in the community and from the local university provide solos and ensembles and accompany vocalists in worship and for special services. A large volunteer wind ensemble offers music in Family Life Center worship twice each year.

Visit our web site for up-to-date information on our services and musical events.

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First United Methodist Church
801 South Main Street
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401

Phone: 870-932-7479 - -
