Fayetteville Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com


Fayetteville Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Central United Methodist Church - Fayetteville, Arkansas


Our mission is to Make Christ central to life for the people of Northwest Arkansas and around the world.

We are a mission-minded church . . . where missions and outreach are so vital our commitment to the community, university and world exceeds our commitment to ourselves.

We are an Open and Friendly Church . . . where everyone who walks through our doors feels welcome and accepted.

We are a Nurturing Church . . . where worship, Bible study, love and compassion are so prevalent that spiritual growth naturally follows.

We feature two types of worship on Sunday mornings during four different services. Traditional worship services are held in the main Sanctuary and include ... ditional hymns and music led by a choir and organ, scripture and sermon preached from the pulpit and traditional readings and replies.

The contemporary worship services are held in the Great Hall of Central's Activities Center and feature praise songs led by a band, casual dress and coffee and donuts in the lobby.

Our Adult Choirs:

Voices of Praise
A contemporary ensemble that provides special music for both the traditional and contemporary worship services.

Contemporary Praise Teams
These teams are the driving force, musically, behind our 9:40 and 11:00 a.m. contemporary services.

Sanctuary Choir
Provides the musical leadership for the two traditional worship services at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m., presenting a wide variety of musical selections.

Senior Saints Choir
This choir consists of those ages 55 and older who enjoy singing.

Adult Handbells
Beginning Handbells 101, Covenant Ringers, Asbury Ringers, and our Golden Ringers.

Children & Student Choirs
Praize Kidz, Joyful Sounds, P & W Singers and Voices of Praise (Youth Edition).

CD and tape versions of all sermons are also available through the Church Office. Audio is also available of our sermons and special guest sermons through the Online Sermons section of our web site.

We hope you can join us in mission, our vision, and our worship.

Visit: CentralToLife.com

Central United Methodist Church
6 West Dickson Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Phone: 479.442.4237


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