Tuscaloosa Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Tuscaloosa Christian Music
- ChristianMusic.com
Alberta Baptist Church - Tuscaloosa, Alabama

At Alberta you will find a worship style blending the classic hymns of the past with today’s newer songs which assist us in worshiping our loving heavenly Father. In our worship services you can expect to hear Bible-based messages communicated in a verse-by-verse style and applied to everyday life.

The primary purpose for our music ministry is to equip believers in Christ to worship the Lord freely at church, at home, and in daily living. There are currently four ensembles available to our congregation and each of them contributes to our worship services. Each ensemble also provides special events, concerts, and dramatic plays and musicals during appropriate seasons.

The Alberta Baptist Church Choir is our primary choral worship ensemble. Currently, there are over 50 members in this group that leads our congregation in worship every Sunday. The church choir sings a variety of literature including traditional and contemporary music.

Contemporary Praise is an ensemble dedicated solely to worshipping through contemporary literature. Currently, this ensemble includes over 20 members, and has grown substantially since its inception. This ensemble assists the church choir in leading worship about once a month. Contemporary Praise is also available to sing for special events and services at other local churches.

On Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m., the children at Alberta Baptist participate in a program called M&M’s. Students of ages up to the 6th grade divide their time in learning about music and missions. The M&M choir sings in our worship services several times throughout the year.

Our youngest members participate in another ensemble called the Music Makers. This group consists of pre-school age children. They sing in our worship services several times a year, and give an annual Christmas pageant.

Join with Us!

Visit . . . albertabaptist.org

Alberta Baptist Church
2210 University Blvd. E
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404

Phone: 205-553-6520

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