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Lakeside Baptist Church - Hoover, Alabama

Music and Worship

The Sanctuary Choir

The purpose of this choir is to serve as co-worship leaders at our Sunday morning worship services and to provide the church with semi-annual presentations in conjunction with the Lakeside drama teams and orchestra. These services and presentations are intended to challenge and inspire Christians and serve as a tool for God’s Spirit to work in the lives of those who have not yet accepted the gift offered by Jesus.
The Sanctuary Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights beginning at 7:00 PM. Rehearsals are held in the choir room on the second floor of the administration building (directly behind the choir loft in the Worship Center). These rehearsals are open to all that would like to sing and have a genuine faith in the gift of salvation.

A weekly rehearsal includes: preparing less-familiar congregational music for Sunday, practicing anthems for the next 4 to 6 weeks, enjoying fellowship, and spending time in prayer. Rehearsals are open to all that would like to sing and have a genuine faith in the gift of salvation. Childcare is provided during these rehearsals.


The Sanctuary Orchestra

This ensemble is designed to support and lead the worship of the church family of Lakeside, as well as participate with the Lakeside choir and drama teams in semi-annual presentations designed to be experienced by the general public and the Lakeside family.

Rehearsals are held weekly in the orchestra room located on the second floor of the administration building (behind the choir loft in the Worship Center). These rehearsals begin at 6:30 PM. This group is made up of high-level amateur players and professional players of instruments in the string, brass, woodwind, and percussion families. Anyone interested in sharing their instrumental talents in a supporting role is welcome to join us in rehearsal.


The Student Choir

The Lakeside Student Choir is a high-energy, high-tech choir for students in sixth through twelfth grade. This group combines today's music and cutting-edge choreography with an evangelistic message. The purpose of our group is to minister to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those seeking to know Jesus Christ, by providing a way by which believers can come into His courts with praise and song.

Our goal is that students grow in the Body of Christ. Rehearsal time is not only a time to practice and learn new music but also a time to praise and worship Jesus Christ. These students commit themselves to a life of service and leadership in a world that often makes this goal challenging. Music allows those of us who have difficultly memorizing scripture to sing those truths into our heart. Rehearsals are Sunday afternoon from 4:00-5:00 PM in the Music Suite. We encourage you to join us this Sunday as we praise and worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

Childrens Choirs

It is important to begin helping children learn the joy of worshiping at an early age. It is also important to teach them how to use all of their body in worship—singing, clapping, speaking, hugging, etc.—and how to enjoy worshiping with others. Children who participate in Lakeside's Children's Choirs develop musical skills like singing, listening, playing instruments, reading and creating music as they progress from one group to the next. Though singing is important, our primary concern is that each child will come to understand and accept God's salvation and the life He offers us in Christ.
The Children's Choirs are divided by age to provide the most meaningful experience for each child. Choir rehearsals take place weekly with volunteer directors, accompanists and teachers who love the Lord and desire to see children grow in their understanding and love for God. There are excellent directors and aids working with each choir to help make this growing experience one they will enjoy.


Each choir has an age-specific curriculum designed to help your children grow into future worshipers. As members of this group, the children soon discover that each person has a unique and special gift. That gift is the voice which God enhances as we praise and worship Him through song. It is our desire to help each child "find" his or her singing voice and learn to use it to create beautiful, fun and worshipful music.


Welcome. From the early days of 1957, Lakeside Baptist Church has been sharing the “good news” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the communities surrounding Birmingham.

Lakeside is a conservative Southern Baptist Church that is in partnership with the Birmingham Baptist Association; the Alabama Baptist Convention; and the Southern Baptist Convention. We are blended in our worship style and Christ-centered in both the teaching and preaching ministries of our church. With a total membership of 2,500 plus, Lakeside is located in the beautiful Vestavia, Hoover, and North Shelby area on Interstate I-459 between The Summit and The Galleria /Patton Creek mall at the Acton Road exit #17. We are a fast growing church that ministers to the entire family. Our programs are for every age group that are led by qualified ministers and lay people who have been well-trained for their ministries. Above all, Lakeside is a church that loves the Lord Jesus, and truly loves and cares for people of every race and culture.

We invite you to come and visit with us and experience worship and Bible Study at its very best. Our purpose statement is, “To equip and encourage Christians to reach their world for Jesus Christ.” Come and join us in this exciting endeavor.


Visit ... lakesidebaptist-com.d373.co

Lakeside Baptist Church
2865 Old Rocky Ridge Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35243

Phone: 205-822-1240 / 205-823-0022

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