Hoover Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com

Hoover Christian Music - ChristianMusic.com
Hunter Street Baptist Church - Hoover, Alabama

Ultimately, everything that Hunter Street is exists because of God and to serve God. One way we can express praise to God is through worship. Weekly we gather as a church to honor God in song, to talk with him through prayer, and to listen to His teaching from the Bible. Worship isn't just something we do once a week--it's a core purpose that drives everything we do.

The Magnification Ministry at Hunter Street provides opportunities to express our praise to God through music, drama, the spoken word, testimony, scripture and other means. Many churches call this ministry the "Music Ministry" or the "Worship Ministry"--so "Magnification Ministry" may be a new term to you.

The Magnification Ministry at Hunter Street focuses our worship. The Celebration Choir and Orchestra lead music in our Sunday services.

Our praise teams and ensembles,
lead worship on Wednesday evenings.


You can listen to our sermons through our web site, MP3 format, and have them automatically downloaded to your MP3 player so you can listen anywhere, anytime!

There’s always room for one more at Hunter Street. We welcome the opportunity to have you and your family as our guests. From preschoolers to senior adults, there is a place for everyone in our church.


Hunter Street Baptist Church
2600 John Hawkins Parkway
Hoover, Alabama 35244

Phone: 205-985-7295

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