Knowdaverbs Lyrics -

Full On Empty

I drive not on my own understanding getting,
Getting gased up for advancing I deflate
Myself for expanding Vehicles we won
Be we ride full on empty.


A lot of times I feel not y'all the mood
To write a song 'cause everything I've kicked
Around in my head it feels wrong I grab a
Chair, a qiuet spot a pen and empty beat
And play it in dire straights to inscribe
This loose leaf I flip back in my notes to
Parts I've wrote but never finish and sow
Those together in desperate need for compositions
And for known reasons they never feel to
Tasty my word usage is all of and my rhyme
Pattern is all janky. What ever merry idea
Started with, then I'll divorce it then a
Light bulb pops on is it God or Verbs
Trying to force it . I wanna tune into a
Song and know its God without a doubt and
Keep my tank full on Christ when my self
Is emptied out. My job is not to think a
Million just to figure out a verse even in
The Bible Belt you hear pants when souls
Thirst. If were more commercial than a
Break in a UPN sitcom I'd still be held
Accountable for every line that you hear
My voice on. For a car to run at all it
Must stay gased up, for me to write at
All I need to take the daily task up of
Doing what I need while staying robed in
What I read ain't no harvest to collect
If no farmers will throw no seed. Although
My soul may still say yes it's a daily
Thing to wake and knock the mess out the flesh.


I plans to ride shot gun with my Lord in
One accord there's transportation in his
Name like Chevy Chase or Harry Ford. 'cause
I'd be plain out of luck baking just on what
I know my mind can draw some blanks like
Karate champs of TaeBo. I exercise his
Ways, I'm Fonda(fond of ) how things work
Out His foolishness has been wiser than
Our strongest of routes. So I surrender
All and use the cross as leverage trying
To scratch the surface of service being
Poured out beverage. To change my will it
Cost my life period end of story Do great
Things in His name so only He receives the
Glory. To a pescimist an empty glass is
Just good for no use an optimist will
Leave it there prepared for full on juice.
Obedience keeps you from tickets in zones
Of speed traps so His word close and snug
Tight like wave caps His sovreignty is like
A baby during terms that your pregnant 'cause
You learn to wait on him then you feel it and expect it.


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christian song