About The Wrecking
(formerly The Kingpin Wrecking Crew)
The Wrecking is defined by an unparalleled drive for what is deeper. Musically, emotionally, and spiritually this band communicates on a level that is undeniable. Commonly referred to as perfectionists in their obsessive pursuit of sonic excellence and explosive execution, The Wrecking has cultivated a truly unique sound that is readily accessible. By interlocking hook-driven rock with urban grooves and futuristic adventurism, The Wrecking has emerged from the East Coast music scene as a critically acclaimed powerhouse.
Explicit sincerity as musicians as well as people has allowed The Wrecking the ability to seamlessly navigate between Christian and mainstream venues with instant credibility and great success. As drummer Darren Elder explained in a previous interview, “Christ has changed my life and the lives of all the guys in the band, and we are so thankful for that, thats the essence of what the songs are about. We truly respect what anyone believes and want to be sensitive to that, we just want to say, Hey, His love is beautiful and it sustains us.”
Having released two formidable independent recordings and with a reputation for an exacting live show, The Wrecking followed it up with the release of Abolition Strategy (2006) and A New Abolition (2008). These guys are pretty darn happy, they derive that happiness from their faith, and like generous and caring individuals they want to show people how they can be happy, too. The Wrecking is definitely worth checking into.