Godkinz - ChristianMusic.com


About The Godkinz

Who or What is The Godkinz you may ask... They are three talented brothers that have a passion to spread the message and love of God through music, and not just because together their sizzling urban worship sound is already impacting audiences on both coasts, but because Ishmael, Isaac, and Israel were born into the Godkinz family. That’s right. Godkinz is the family name, and a very fitting one at that.

Keyboardist Ishmael shares a bit of the rich family history. “Our parents were married for two years and trying desperately to conceive, when my father, a pastor of a Samoan church, promised the Lord, ‘if you give me children, I’ll give them back to you for Your glory. They will share about Your goodness to the world through music, to encourage and uplift all in Your Name.’ Today we’re seeing the fruits of that prayer lifted up so long ago,”


The Godkinz made their mark nationally as well as locally, releasing their self-titled debut CD in 2006 and winning the prestigious San Diego Gospel Music Award Artist of the Year also in 2006.

Their full blend of tight harmonies, infectious beats, and hook-rich songs has been described as ‘R-Hop’ by Isaac, a mix of R&B, hip-hop with a sacred urban spin. Festival audiences have responded whole-heartedly to their off-the-hook rhythms and head-on gospel messages, and Godkinz lays it out fearlessly as well. The album’s first up-tempo single, “Tilt ya Hat,” kicks the party off with all the energy of their concert performances, and the sizzle never stops, from the Reggaeton bounce and power lyrics of “Desire,” to the smooth R&B flava of “ Call Me. ” Think Katinas meet Boyz 11 Men. The empowering lyrical message is balm to troubled and confused souls of any age, but especially cutting into the hearts of youth, exactly who the Godkinz brothers most hope to reach. “We want our music to go out into the highways and byways,” says Ishmael. “It’s the people outside of the four walls of the church we want to motivate and encourage.” Tracks like the irresistible “Got To Feel It” will take them a long way in that direction, its take-no-prisoners arrangements and edgy dance beats showing right up front the sheer bliss found in true worship.  Celebrating the week’s end, “Friday” is unapologetically more of the same, with plenty of shout-outs to the brothers’ new home in 6-1-9, San Diego.

Listen to Godkinz when you want to hear message of the Gospel laid out in vibrant urban reality, its beats authentic and urgent, and its love displayed proudly and without hesitation.
