The band got it's name from a former room mate. He was kind of
paranoid, and afraid that if he went outside on this particular
night he was going to get jumped by some people. He had a golf club
to defend himself and he said something to the effect of it being
like "putter mayhem". Scott looked at the golf club he
was holding, and noting that it was a five iron said, "No,
more like a Five Iron Frenzy." The name stuck.
Five Iron Frenzy got together in 1996. Reese and Keith had been
friends for 10 years and met at church. They met Micah about 7 years
ago or so, he answered a "guitar player wanted" ad they
had put in area music stores. Reese met Scott in Greeley, CO while
he was going to school up there. They met Andrew at a Prayer Chain/Starflyer
59 show at the Aztlan. Then we were looking for horn players, we
thought this would be very difficult, but Micah had said that his
cousin played sax (that's when we first considered Jeff for the
band, although most of us had met her way before that at shows and
stuff). Scott mentioned that he knew a trumpet player named Nathanael
(that was Brad's name back then), and Reese and Keith met Dennis
through their church.