Dorinda Clark Cole is no stranger to the Gospel music
arena. Her mother was an internationally renowned Gospel music composer
/ director, Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark, who composed her own songs, and her
father was a Pastor. Dorinda began singing at an early age with her
3 other sisters, forming the Gospel group, The Clark Sisters, often
performing in their parents' church, often singing their Mom's songs.
Dorinda was known as the "jazzy sister," with a terrific gift of being
able to improvise. The Clark Sisters are internationally known, and
have toured around the world.
Besides singing, Dorinda also has discovered that God
has blessed her with the gift of being able to evangelize to "the
lost," and motivate / encourage people to hang onto their faith,
believe God's promises, and walk closer with Jesus. In this CD, Dorinda
combines both these talents. She has written or co-written 5 of the
recorded songs, putting her best efforts into reaching out to her audience,
sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
What impresses me about Dorinda, is that she truly sings
from her heart and soul her personal Christian witness and testimony,
expressing her faith in, her dependence on Jesus Christ our Lord. Her
heartfelt praises of God's love and mercy, faithfulness and the hope
and healing salvation that Jesus offers those who believe will offer
encouragement and uplift the listener.
If you are feeling down before listening to her CD, you
will certainly be spiritually uplifted and definitely encouraged considerably
afterwards, by all the positive reminders of how great our God is, and
how much Jesus loves and cares for us, our dependable friend who never
lets us down.
She focuses on different aspects of these spiritual truths,
in creative choral & solo compositions / arrangements of Gospel
music, with some jazz and pop musical styles and tempos added, providing
something for everyone! Those who are new to Gospel music are in for
a treat.
She starts her CD off with a bang, with a personal reflection
based on her own experience, in the song, "If It Had Not Been For
The Lord" (written by Dorinda & Ward). It is a contemporary Gospel
song with shades of jazz, and pop, that witnesses to the Lord's mercy,
faithfulness, and patience that He has for not only her but for all
of us.
Lyrical Sample: Chorus: If it had not been for the Lord,
Who was on my side, I wanna know where I'd be, If it had not been for
the Lord, Who was on my side, I wanna know where I'd be.
When I think about, all the many times, that I could have
been cast away. And God's love and grace, sold my destiny. And he kept
me from all tragedy. Each and every day as I kneel and pray, and I ask
the Lord for one more chance. New Mercy that he let me see. That's why
I can sing and dance.
On the same theme, is the moving song, "I'm Still Here"
(also written by Dorinda), which praises the grace of God that has brought
her through her troubles and trials.
Lyrical Sample: When I look back over my life, and I
see all the things, God's done for me. Been through danger, heartache
and trouble, I thank the Lord, He rescued me.
He's blessed me still, I could have lost my faith, and
I could have fell from His Grace. Now I can say, that I'm still here,
and it's by the grace of God.
A favorite song of this reviewer is the powerful song,
"You Can't Take My Joy", described as being a "dramatic choral
/ orchestral ballad," which effectively uses organ, piano and strings,
featuring Dorinda's dynamic singing style and the terrific back-up choir.
You "Can't Take My Joy" was the result of the collaboration of Dorinda
Clark-Cole and Michael Mindingall.
The song talks about the inner joy one receives from
a continuous relationship with Jesus Christ, that can't be taken away
by anything. (See John 15:10-11 & Romans 8:35-39)
Dorinda explains what she knows about this inner joy
which she has learned from personal experience. "In spite of any
of life's adversities, when you have a relationship with God there is
one thing no one can take away from you, and that is the joy and inner
peace that only HE can provide. An enemy may try to come against me
to assassinate my character, or do any manner of things to pull me down,
but no one is going to get that joy of the Lord."
Lyrical Sample: This joy that I have removes all my doubts,
this joy calms my fears. Oh what sweet such wonderful joy, It lifts
you up -- and dries my tears.
This joy that I have the world didn't give me. This joy
that I have the world can't take it away. It makes me love everyday,
When trying to your place.
Chorus: I have this Joy--Joy unspeakable, That flows
inside--full of Glory--I just can't hide. One thing I know--and it's
for sure, that you can't take--my Joy.
A real toe-tapper, that starts off with a musical introduction
that really cooks; (electrical guitar and drums, followed by brass ensemble
and full choir), is the high-spirited "I'm Coming Out", (by Dorinda
& Ward). The song refers to coming out of troubles, heart aches, sickness,
trials, with hands up praising God - Stepping out on faith that the
Lord will see you through, praising God for all circumstances.
Dorinda says,"It says that no matter how bad things
are you can still praise God, and the more you praise Him the sooner
and better you'll come out of the situation."
It is very possible that you will be dancing around the
room to this one, renewing your spirit, taking heart in God's faithfulness
in any situation, at the same time!
Lyrical Sample: I'm coming out! With my hands up! I'm
coming out! With my hands up! Trials come to weigh me down. It's okay,
I'm not gone lose no ground. Got the praise on my lips, Word in my heart,
I don't have to worry 'cause I'm coming out of this. I can shout over
my troubles, Yeah, because my hearts full of praise. God gave me a key,
anything I ask in his name, He'll give it to me.
Chorus: All the Trials That I've been through, it's only
a test of being renewed. Nobody knows the story, behind all this glory,
I've got a right to praise Him and kick up my heels and I shout...
God answers prayers in his own perfect timing, not always
when we think He should, which is the principle behind "You Can't
Hurry God", another upbeat, encouraging song by Dorinda and Ward,
that is another crowd pleaser done in swing style Gospel music.
Lyrical Sample: Chorus - You can't hurry God, you just
have to wait. He may not come when you want Him, But He'll be there
(be there), right on time. You can depend on God to come through (but
you gotta wait). Just have to wait. Gotta wait, Gotta wait, Gotta wait
on Jesus.
Waiting on God, Seems so uncomfortable, cause you really
don't know how long you gotta wait. My soul doth waiteth patiently on
the Lord, because he shall renew my strength. Stop complaining, start
believing! He's gonna come through right when you need Him.
Dorinda and the rest of the Clark Sisters, Karen Clark-Sheard,
Elbertina "Twinkie" Clark & Jackie Clark-Chisholm join her for a soulful
rendition of Saph A. Ward's "Show Me The Way", a prayer set to Gospel,
asking the Lord to show them how to act more Christ-like.
Lyrical sample: Show me the way to your heart, Lord teach
me how to love, Lord teach me how to pray, I wanna be more like you,
I'm begging you please.
Karen Clark Sheard sings the background vocals for Dorinda,
in a traditional Gospel hymn by James Moss / Elbertina Walker, "No, Not
One", a song that expresses the truth that there isn't a friend that
can be as complete, as loving as Jesus, because of who He is. The song
has The Clark Sister touch, by not only show casing Dorinda's improvisational
style of singing sparked with elements of jazz and pop music, but also
made it into their own creation by being melded together with their
big hit, "Angels".
Lyrical Sample: There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus,
No not one - No not one. None else can heal all our soul's diseases,
No not one - No not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will
guide until the day is done. Can no one do me like him, He is there
(all the time), He's Emmanuel (all the time), Angel watching over me.
Also enjoyable, inspirational, and rousing are her renditions
"It's Not Me"; (by James Moss - Gives the glory to God for
her success)
Lyrical Sample: So many people think I've got it all right.
Like I hear from the Lord every day and all night. But I don't. I fast
and pray like you because it gets me through. I'm just a vessel that
God chose to use.
"Nobody Like Jesus"; (by Marlowe Cribb - A rousing
reminder, praising Jesus)
Lyrical Sample: There's nobody! Nobody like Jesus.
Chorus: Lord I thank you for. For your love and grace.
Lord I thank you for.
"You Don't Have To Leave Here The Same"; (by Ward)
Lyrical Sample:- Jesus will remove all doubt and shame;
All you have to do is believe and claim it.
"You Can" (by James Moss) and "Need Him" (by James
A favorite song that touched this reviewer the most is
"Need Him" (by James Moss), that was written in response to the horror
and destruction, loss and despair caused by the evil in our society
and the world, which comes from the dark side of human nature, such
as what happened on 911. This song reaches out to hurt, angry and frightened
people suffering from the evil deeds of others, as well as those traumatized
from the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The song is very rhythmic, the background beat done with
a synthesizer (syncopated rhythm), a combination of various percussion,
and a single hit from a snare on the first beat of every measure of
music, recorded in PAJAM'S studio. With just these rhythmic beats in
the back ground, Dorinda and her small ensemble choir, carry the tune
acappella, in a wonderfully rich harmony which they of course have no
trouble doing. With their talent, a gift from God, they don't need musical
accompaniment to keep them in tune!
Besides Dorinda's shining, moving performance, touches
of rap are added, making this a very unique, simple but grippingly powerful
song preaching the message of that now more than ever, people need Jesus
in their life.
After a harmonious then dissonant electronic / synthesized
swelling sounds, an explosive bang, a siren sound, the song starts with
a male voice speaking through a synthesizer: "In lieu of everything
that is going on, here is a message - We ain't scared." (The song goes
on to explain why)
Lyrical Sample: First verse, in a minor key: How are
you feelin'? Are you feelin' kind of down from all the things that you
see? How are you dealin'? You don't know who your neighbor might really
be? Tell me what you think, with people being all around us, I know
what it means, we need the Lord more now than ever. People Dyin', People
cryin', People stealin', cheatin', killin', People plotting, scheming
demons People lyin', runin', hidin'....
Chorus: Through the fire, through the rain, through the
sorrow, through the pain; Well call if you want Him, Call if you need
Him. If you don't know Him, you sure do need Him. Keep him in your car,
in your home, you should never be without him in your life -Get to know
Jesus! Well at your job, in your school, let everybody know you got
him in your life - Get to know Jesus!
Julie Carr - Reviewer for
For booking and management, contact: COLE ENTERPRISES,
Haith Johnson & Cymantha Channey. P.O. Box 3936, Southfield, MI 48034
/ Phone: 866-744-7664 / E-Mail:
Gospo Centric Records Website: / E-Mail:
Jalila Larsuel / JL Media / E-Mail:
(Located in Altadena, CA).
Lynn McCain / Lynn McCain & Co./ E-Mail: Nashville,
TN. (Nashville)