“There have been some pretty solid jumps in terms of life…” shares Christina, “from my arranged marriage, and relocating to the U.S. to being a mom for a baby girl and having a full time job as a Computer Programmer and continuing to serve the Lord in our Church, Victorious Life in the praise and worship leadership team to being a small group leader and releasing my debut album in English…wow !! so many new avenues to walk in…I have matured, grown in the Lord so much and God has taught me how to be completely reliant on Him as He took me through life’s journey of ups and downs.”
A new chapter begins with Surrender… 2007 begins a new chapter in Christina’s life with the release of Surrender, her U.S. debut album. “I wanted to write about the power of God’, says Christina “and about His amazing love and His never-ending grace.”
“Everyday I walk out the door of my house; I meet so many people who look so lost and empty, and my heart is burdened to tell them about Jesus because He is the only One that can fill the void in their lives."

Christina delivers inspiration based on scriptures and personal events that changed her life and shares what it means to live fully surrendered to Christ. This amazing young artist will be a blessing to all. Her incredible vocals, soul-stirring performances and inspiring testimony will touch lives.