
Bob Hughes Interview & Bio -
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You can see from the picture above, Bob Hughes has a nice collection of guitars; both acoustic and electric!

About Bob Hughes and His Music Interview

Bob Hughes graciously agreed to answer some interview questions, to share with

Bob shares with about his early life, his youth and his family....

"I was born 8/23/64 in Baltimore MD, and I don't really have any outstanding memories of living there. I moved to the area I am living in now (Binghamton, NY) when I was about 4 and have been in this general area my whole life."

"I did spend 4 years in the Air Force which took me to England, where I met my wife Nikki. She was also in the Air Force and from Wisconsin. We just celebrated our 16th anniversary on 8/4. Wow.. Time really flies.. My wife Nikki has been there through the whole process and has always been supportive, patient, and understanding of my desires and dreams. "

"We have an 8 year old son, Robert. He is such a wonderful and sensitive child. He is such a joy in our life and we give thanks to God everyday."

More About Bob Hughes' Music and His Spiritual Development.

Bob Hughes is one of those rare individuals who was blessed with the natural musical ability to learn musical instruments easily and be able to compose and play original musical thoughts.

Bob explains to,

"I am self taught in all instruments that I play, and that includes bass guitar, guitar, keyboards, some drums, and vocals. I picked up the guitar in 1987 when I was in the Air Force. Along with that. I invested in some recording equipment and the rest is as they say, 'history.' However, It was God who wrote songs through me."

Bob Shares with about the development of his musical gifts and God's plan for these gifts...

"I have been in and around music for many many years. I started out playing saxophone when I was 12 and after a few years I gave that up to play sports and be a 'normal' 14 year old! LOL. Right about when I was 16, I started to play bass guitar with some friends and we had the typical garage band noise going on. It was fun, and although I didn't know it at the time, God was already preparing me for his plans to use me through music." had to know, so we asked Bob, "How were you led by the Lord to use your musical gifts to be in a musical ministry for Jesus?

Bob reflects, and gives this testimony, "I don't really have a life experience that was dramatic enough to move me in this direction of writing. I have been hearing a call from God for several years to compose for him, but I had a hard time convincing myself I could offer anything that was good enough for Him."

"On my CD, WORLD, I penned songs that examined our world, its problems, and its materialism. That was in 1998, and even back then I had stirrings in my soul that were prodding me to write Christian music. I wanted to, but at that point I thought it had to come from me alone."

Bob continues in his story, "Fast forward to 2004 and I have just finished up recording, SAVIOR SOUL, a Christian rock based collection of songs. Things are starting to become clearer for me. I started this project with a prayer that God would work through me on these songs. Still there were obstacles and it was not an easy project for me. At that point I hadn't totally let go of the "its for me" attitude. I was in the ballpark so to speak, but not quite in the game yet. I was happy with outcome although technically speaking, the production was not quite there yet."

"The PRAISE IN HYMN and SEASONS OF LIFE CDs marked a very significant change in me. I have always been a believer in Jesus as far back as I can remember. I never had that one outstanding moment where I realized I was lost and needed his salvation. I did however experience a renewal of Jesus in my heart when I started to write PRAISE IN HYMN. The Holy Spirit convicted me and made me realize that my gift for music was not a gift for just me to enjoy and pursue. It is a gift from God and the means I was given to praise him and help build his kingdom. It is not about me."

Bob reflects on this change in his perception, "Once I realized this truth, I experienced a peace and fulfillment in writing music that I never even knew existed. Until that point, the creation of music was more a mechanical process. I look back and listen to previous songs I have written and I can see that God was already laying the foundation for his work."

Bob continues, "After many many hours of praying, I started to realize that no matter what I was able to do, it was all according to his will. Once I realized that it was just a matter of letting the Spirit flow and take control of my lyrics and music. I know that sounds like it was easy, and quite honestly, I am surprised how easy it was once I gave the control over to God."

Bob then experienced deeper insights as he worked on his next CD, Seasons Of Life, which he also shared with

Bob explains, "SEASONS OF LIFE is actually a continuation of PRAISE IN HYMN. I thought I had a pretty good handle on what to expect as I embarked on God's will through my music, but nothing could prepare me for the experience of this group of songs."

Bob continues, "Once again as I started this journey of songs, I asked God to work his will and message into the songs. There were times when I would cry, I would laugh, and every emotion in between. Never before have I realized just how close God works in people who accept him and invite him in. It was an amazing moment in my life, and I will never be the same person I was before. "

His Thoughts and Testimony for other composers and musicians hearing a call from the Lord:

"If there is anything that I can say to songwriters who are hearing a calling from God, it is to embrace the calling and let him work through you. God is giving you a special gift of music and wants you to use it."

"My life will never be 'its about me' again. My music will never be 'its about me' again. Sure, I am human, I will falter and stumble on the road with Christ, but I know he will catch me and guide me."

"God has answered my prayers. I asked him to reveal his will for my life and through his Holy Spirit he has told me, 'Bob, I have created you specifically to be one of my musicians. I have given you the gift of music for the joy & praise its creation brings me. Use this gift in full knowledge that you will be touching lives and bringing Jesus to those who need him.'"

Bob expresses his confidence in letting the Lord lead him in this music ministry, and shares with,

"I know that God has a plan for me and I want to see it develop. Sometimes I am a little too impatient with it. I find myself saying, "OK God.. You've got my attention, you've written these songs through me.. 'Now what?' I sit back, relax and realize; All things in Gods time."

Bob Hughes

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