Bleach's first album, Space, was released in November of 1996
by "Forefront Records." Since then, four more albums have been
released and their last album, Farewell Old Friends will be released
March 1, 2005.
In 2004, much to the disappointment of their many fans, the
band announced that they would be calling it quits after the release
of their final album in 2005.
On July 23, 2003, the band members of Bleach changed forever.
Captain Josh Byers, brother to Jared and Milam Byers, was killed
while serving in the military in Iraq. The loss was and is a huge
heartache for each member of the band.
"It's impossible to talk to Bleach's members today without hearing
awe-inspired stories of Josh's heroism and absolute sacrifice
for his men and his country. At the memorial service they were
not only learning of his acts of bravery, he had so modestly kept
from his friends and family, but also of his complete support
and adoration for the band. How he geared his men up for missions
playing the Bleach songs and told everyone in his path about his
five brothers and their musical endeavors." Tooth and Nail Records
Through this tragic loss, and the testimony of their fallen brother,
the band came to realize the impact of their ministry on others.
Their songs also became a source of comfort and encouragement
to them as they tried to deal with their pain and hurt. |